PowerBI – Dynamic View based on Dimension Selection

PowerBI – Dynamic View based on Dimension Selection

I have prepared this blog from my recent interesting solution, as business team wanted to view the visuals in PowerBI based on Dimension Attribute Selection. It is pretty much easy to achieve in other Visualization Pioneer software like Tableau.

Though PowerBI comes with lot of interesting custom visuals, could not able to find a straight forward solution for the above requirements. So, In order to achieve the dynamic Dimension selection and slicing it in PowerBI, we need to do a quick work around using building a bridge and View table like below.

Attached Simple model SalesFact with Three dimensions, gives star schema for better performance as recommended by best practices with One to Many entity cardinality. We could able to denormalized and create a single table and verify the performance. We need articulate as it could increase the storage size though it could give us better query response with huge volume of data.

DimCalendar FactSales DimMarket DimOutlet
Date Country Code Master Market Code Outlet Code
Day Country Master Market Outlet Name
Month CalendarDate Outlet Region
Year Calendar Year Channel
Day Index calendar Month Store Size Classification
Week Index Master Market Code Perfect Store Status
Month Index Master Market
Year Index Master Product Category Code
Fiscal Year Master Product Category
Fiscal Month Sale Quantity
Fiscal Day GSV
Bridge Key
BridgeTable DimAttributeView
BridgeKey BridgeKey
Master Market Code SelectDimAttributeName “Master Market Code”, “Outlet Code”, “Outlet Region”, “Store Size Classification”
Outlet Code SelectDimAttributeValue Values Associated for the Above List
Outlet Region
Store Size Classification
Perfect Store Status

The basic requirement is to allow the business end users to choose the Dimension Attributes in a slicer as shown below, subsequently it should reflect in targeted Visuals.

By introducing a Bridge and DimViewAttribute tables  in our existing model as shown below, it basically creates 1 to Many cardinality between Bridge to the core FactSales and Bridge to DimViewAttribute tables. We should enable cross filter direction to both between Bridge to DimViewAttribute table to get view changes in both direction.


We could able to do the slicing based on SelectDimAttributeName gives Attributes name and use SelectedDimAttributeValue in Visuals to make it dynamic.


Happy Learning!!

PS: i tried to include the PBI snapshot for Model and Visuals, may be i can find alternative options to make to more useful and effective…

Automate And Accelerate SSAS Tabular Cube Partition Maintenance Using PowerShell

The Blog is prepared to automate and accelerate SSAS tabular cube Partition creation and maintenance activities required for the most of the MSBI analytics projects. There are definitely better way of doing it and probably easy to do but this is how I tackled it.

Also, I would like to focus on simplifying the automation core concept with basic cube details stored in SQL master partition control table and generating required partition details in Partition Control detail table, can be used effectively for creating cube partitions using PowerShell script.



Step 01: Define Master table with Partition Cubes, Frequency and Partition Name targeted to create

CREATE TABLE [Ctrl].[Cube_Partition_Control]


[ID] [int]                  NOT NULL,

[CubeName]                  [varchar](100) NULL,

[PartitionTable]            [varchar](500) NULL,

[PartitionMethod]           [varchar](2) NOT NULL,

[PartitionNamePrefix]       [varchar](200) NULL,

[PartitionQuery]            [varchar](500) NULL,

[Connection]                [varchar](100) NULL,

[MinPartitionPeriodValue] [int] NULL,

[LastPartitionPeriod]       [int] NULL,

[IsActive]                  [varchar](1) NULL,

[LastProcessedDate]         [datetime] NULL


Here is query to populate the Control table:

INSERT INTO [Sales_Channel].[Cube_Partition_Control] Values (1,’Cube_Name’,’Fact_Table’,’W’,’Fact_ Sales_View_’,’SELECT  *  FROM dbo.[ Fact_Sales_View] where [Transaction_Week] = ? )’,’DS_Connection’,201644,0,’Y’,’2017-01-01′)


Gives entries based on Partition requirement as shown below:

ID CubeName PartitionTable PartitionMethod PartitionNamePrefix PartitionQuery Connection MinPartitionPeriodValue
1 Cube_Name Fact_Table W Fact_Sales_View_ SELECT  *  FROM dbo.[ Fact_Sales_View] where [Transaction_Week] = ? DS_Connection 201611



We could write T-Sql procedure or SSIS package to fill the detailed table with below entries:

CREATE TABLE [Cube_Partition_ControlDetail]


       [CubeName] [varchar](100) NULL,

       [TableName] [varchar](200) NULL,

       [PartitionName] [nvarchar](200) NULL,

       [PartitionCriteria] [varchar](20) NULL,

       [PartitionYear] [varchar](20) NULL,

       [Week_Start_Date] [varchar](20) NULL,

       [Week_End_Date] [varchar](20) NULL,

       [Partition_Created_Flag] [varchar](5) NULL,

       [Partition_Deleted_Flag] [varchar](5) NULL,

       [DateInfo] [datetime] NULL,

       [PartitionNamePrefix] [nvarchar](200) NULL,

       [DataSourceConnection] [varchar](100) NULL,

       [QueryPartitionFlag] [varchar](5) NULL,

[PartitionQuery] [nvarchar](500) NULL




Step 02: Populate Partition Detail table

The Partition Control Details are Populated from base table Time (Calendar Table) as shown below, also gives partition query, partition name which needs to be dynamic. It helps to avoid manual creation as it will consume more time and easy maintain using PowerShell and SSIS with C# custom scripts.

Partition method shown below for Weekly partition criteria from core calendar table, can be extended for Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly…based on project cube requirements. I have included the comment column below to make it more clear and easy to understand.

We need to create a T-Sql procedure with Parametrized with Cube Name and Partition Table from Master Partition Control as shown below with details highlighted.

if @PartitionMethod = ‘W’


        Print ‘Inside Partition Category Week ‘ + @CubeName + ‘ ‘ +@PartitionTable +’ ‘

+cast(@MaxPartitionCriteria as varchar)

–Parameterized by #Cube Name and Fact/Partition Table, Cube can have Multiple Fact tables


        Insert into [Cube_Partition_ControlDetail]

(CubeName, TableName, PartitionName, [PartitionCriteria], PartitionYear, Partition_Created_Flag, Partition_Deleted_Flag, DateInfo, PartitionNamePrefix,

        DataSourceConnection, [PartitionQuery],[QueryPartitionFlag], ID)


Select CubeName, TableName, PartitionNeedToCreate, Calendar_Week, substring(Calendar_Week, 1,4), ‘N’, ‘N’, getdate(), [PartitionNamePrefix],

        [Connection], [PartitionQuery], [QueryPartitionFlag], ID



                 select  ctrl.CubeName, ctrl.TableName, ctrl.[PartitionNamePrefix], [Connection],

                 wc.Calendar_Week, ctrl.[PartitionNamePrefix]+’_’+wc.Calendar_Week As ‘PartitionNeedToCreate’,

Replace(PartitionQuery, ‘?’, [Calendar_WeekQ]) as PartitionQuery, [PartitionMethod] as [QueryPartitionFlag] , ID

–Replace above? question mark with dynamic week to build the baseline partition query



Select Distinct [Calendar_Week], ””+[Calendar_Week]+”” as [Calendar_WeekQ]  from [Calendar]

–Get List of Distinct Calendar Weeks to create

Where [Calendar_Week] >= 

(Select distinct [MinPartitionPeriodValue] from [Cube_Partition_Control] ctrl Where CubeName = @CubeName and [PartitionTable] = @PartitionTable)

                                  and [Calendar_Week] >

(Select distinct isnull([LastPartitionPeriod],0) from [Cube_Partition_Control] ctrl Where CubeName = @CubeName and [PartitionTable] = @PartitionTable)

—Get Last Partition had been created before


                                  [Calendar_Month] <= Year(DATEADD(mm,3,getdate())) * 100 + Month(DATEADD(mm,3,getdate()))

                                  –to make control partition detail #3 months ahead


                         ) wc


                         –Get Cube details, you can find better options to get the details, can be Parametrized

(Select distinct CubeName, [PartitionTable] as TableName,[PartitionNamePrefix] ,[Connection],[MinPartitionPeriodValue],[LastPartitionPeriod], PartitionQuery,

[PartitionMethod], ID

from [Cube_Partition_Control] ctrl Where CubeName = @CubeName and [PartitionTable] = @PartitionTable

                         ) ctrl

        ) Part




Step 03: PowerShell script to create the Cube Partitions

We have Partition control details are being generated with above simplified approach and ready to create the Partitions in Cube using dynamic XMLA scripts using PowerShell or SSIS with custom scripts.


PowerShell is constructed to focus on cube and constructed for multiple fact tables along with required partitions to create, it can fine tuned based on further business requirements…

The basic idea to generate the below XMLA script and execute by connecting the Analysis Server and automate with Predefined schedules.

XMLA to produce by Weekly Partition as targeted and Execute from PowerShell Scripts – Example:


“createOrReplace”: {

“object”: {

“database”: “Cube Name”,

“table”: “Partition Fact Table Name”,

“partition”: “Partition_Table_Name_201712”


“partition”: {

“name”: ” Partition_Table_Name_201712″,

“dataView”: “full”,

“source”: {

“query”: [

“select * from Fact_Table_Name “,

” where [Week] = ‘201712’”


“dataSource”: “DS_Connection_Name”






PowerShell script example:

#Make sure to set below variables value used for connecting sqlDB  & extract the Partition Details from Control tables as populated from previous session.

$Svr       = “SQL Server Name”

$Id         = “DB Name”

$Ins       = “User Name”

$pwd    = “Password**”



$CubeNameP = ”’Cube_Name”’

$querypartition =

“SELECT CubeName, TableName, PartitionName, [PartitionCriteria], PartitionYear, Partition_Created_Flag, Partition_Deleted_Flag, PartitionNamePrefix, DataSourceConnection, [PartitionQuery],[QueryPartitionFlag] FROM [Ctrl].[Cube_Partition_ControlDetail] WHERE Partition_Created_Flag = ‘N’ AND CubeName = $CubeNameP “

#Executing above sql to extract the cube Partition Details

$DBTblDetailspartition = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Svr -Database $Ins -Username $Id -Password $pwd -Query $querypartition -ErrorAction Stop

foreach ($items in $DBTblDetailspartition)


$CubeName = $items.CubeName

$TableName = $items.TableName

$PartitionName = $items.PartitionName

$PartitionCriteria = $items.PartitionCriteria

$DataSourceConnection = $items.DataSourceConnection

$PartitionQuery = $items.PartitionQuery


              ##the Most important part to construct the required XMLA

$TMSLpartition =



  “createOrReplace”: {




$TMSLpartition = $TMSLpartition +



“database”: “$CubeName”,

“table”: “$TableName”,

“partition”: “$PartitionName”


    “partition”: {

      “name”: “$PartitionName”,

      “dataView”: “full”,

      “source”: {

        “query”: [



        “dataSource”: “$DataSourceConnection”










[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“Microsoft.AnalysisServices”) >$NULL

$server = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server

#Set the Analysis Server to connect

$server.connect(“Analysis Server”)

#Execute the XMLA script has been generated above

Invoke-ASCmd -Server $Server -Query $TMSLpartition




You can also refer below URL to achieve the same using SSIS instead of PowerShell scripts.




Happy Learning!!

I hope to make it more useful everyone, simplify the approach as much as I could. 😊
